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Waterproof Reflective Safety Tape Roll 2"X142' Feet Long Red White DOT C2 Auto Truck Safety Reflector Strips Self-adhesive Conspicuity Safety Hazard Caution Warning Sticker (Red&White)

We chose this tape for a different use than what it was intended for. This can be used as an emergency trail marker because it is waterproof, doesn't break down, is reflective in the dark, and you get a lot of footage for the money. It is has a strong adhesive surface, but we are not sure how it would hold up on the ruff uneven surface of a tree branch or tree trunk. We suggest using tacks to attach it to trees, because it is stiff, heavy duty tape and cannot be tied.  

Another method as a marker would be to make a hole in the tape with the point of a knife, run a string through the hole and attach it to tree branches.

Because it is reflective, it may also deter animals from going in your food garden, but we haven't tested it for this use yet to see if it works.

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