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Detergent: Laundry Homemade
Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe
Yield 32 ounces
1 bar (or 4.5 ounces) shaved bar soap: (a homemade laundry bar, Dr. Bronner’s, Kirk’s Castile Soap, Ivory, ZOTE, or Fels-Naptha)
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
Thoroughly stir together. You can also blend the mixture in a blender or food processor to create a powder that will dissolve easily even in cold water. Store in a sealed container with a small scoop.
Each batch yields approximately 32 ounces (between 32-64 loads based on how many Tbsp used per load).
Use 1 Tbsp per small load (or 2-3 Tbsp for large or heavily soiled loads).
Fels Naptha
Dr. Bonner's Soap
Washing Soda
Ivory Soap
Kirk's Castile Soap
KIT: Fels-Naptha Soap, Washing Soda, Borax
Fels Naptha Soap Other Uses:
I use this soap to wash my hands at the kitchen sink when doing housework. It lasts a very long time. For one person, it has lasted 7 months and still counting. This really depends upon how much I wash my hands at the kitchen sink, within this time period. Sometimes, I only rinse my hands off with water. It is resting up on one end in a plastic container that has a slit in the bottom of it, so there is no water build up in the container. This soap is hard, so it doesn't break down like soaps such as Ivory Soap, which gets really mushy and can be used up within one month or less for hand washing, because it is a soft soap. So even though Fels Naptha Soap is not meant to be a hand soap, I have had no problems using it. It cleans my hands very well, especially when I have cooking oil and chicken fat grease on my hands, and this soap has not dried out my skin.
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