Mirror Mirror On the Wall, What's the Safest of Them All? (Glass vs Metal)
So you are in crisis mode, for whatever reason. Are you going to utilize products made of glass or metal? Can you picture yourself in the woods or someplace else, or even home in a disaster scenario, when all of a sudden your glass mirror or last dish or cooking pan you own breaks into pieces. Under normal circumstances, you would just go out and buy another one, but now, there may be no stores open, and if there are, all the shelves may be cleaned out, there is no more stock being delivered. We have noticed this happen in the stores to a small extent, even when a little storm is predicted to happen and last only one to two days.
In addition, you could get cut by the broken glass. If there are no doctors around what are you going to do? I'll tell you what to do. We would suggest preparing now by starting to convert to metal products, specifically stainless steel for cooking, and non-breakable mirrors that double as signal mirrors.
Oh, you don't have to throw away your glass products, just start acquiring some replacement metal products that will endure much longer than glass ones, because they are virtually unbreakable.
An interesting note: Starting in the 13th century in Europe, through the early 1900s, maybe even through the 1930s, there were traveling tinkers in the United States and parts of Europe, who were men skilled at mending pots and pans. They would go to peoples homes and repair their metal utensils and cookware for them. From this occupation, which is now extinct, we can surmise that in the past we did not have such an extremely disposable society, as we do now. People held onto their possessions, and if they were broken, they had them repaired, rather than throw them away and buy new ones. Even such things as the metal utensils and pots and pans were repaired by traveling tinkers for continued use.
So what is significant about tinkers, in relation to times of crisis? Well, it just goes to show us that metal has a much more enduring quality than glass. When glass breaks, 99% of the time, it is non-repairable, besides the fact that it is hazardous and can cut you.
Regarding specific products that we personally researched and chose are the following:

Texsport Family Stainless Steel Cook Set