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No Prescription Ringworm Cure for Dogs

Ringworm is not caused by worms. It is a fungal infection. In dogs, there will be somewhat rounded areas on parts of their body that are seen as scaly, crusty patches, with some hair loss in these areas. If you try to brush these areas, crusty skin will fall off, along with hair, and the area may get very red and may bleed too. The patches may get larger and the number of patches may increase around the dogs body. Ringworm from dogs can be transmitted to humans.

No prescription medication cured my dog. I thought of Hydrogen Peroxide. It kills bacteria, so I tried it on the dog's ringworm. I use hydrogen peroxide as a cleaner around the house. I took off the top of the bottle and replace it with a sprayer that I screwed on the bottle. I always have at least two of these bottles set up to use for cleaning.

I took a hydrogen peroxide spray bottle and located each area of ringworm on the dog. I sprayed each area a lot, until it soaked and dripped the hydrogen peroxide. I only did this once a week. Within one week, I could notice the ringworm clearing up a little bit. Within 2 weeks, it cleared up more, and within 3 weeks, it was either gone or almost gone. My dog is black, so the hydrogen peroxide lightened his hair in these patched areas to a slight brownish color, but this will grow out.

So if you are in a situation when there are no veterinarians available for prescription medication, hydrogen peroxide may really help your dog get over a ringworm infection.

Please note that you are using this remedy at your own risk, and your dog's own risk. In my personal experience, my dog had no side effects and was healed. Your case may be different.

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