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Cotton Ball Fire-starter

-Buy a JAR OF PETROLEUM JELLY. It does not have to be the Vaseline brand. I have a link for it - press here if you need it.

-Then pick up a cotton ball and cover up to 3/4 of the cotton ball with petroleum jelly, so the dry part can be ignited with a spark. Then after you repeat this process with as many cotton balls as you like, put all the petroleum soaked cotton balls in a zip-lock bag, and get them ready for fire-starting in your bug out bag or backpack.

- Petroleum jelly covered cotton balls are easily ignited. The dry cotton fibers can be ignited by a spark or flame with ferro rods, matches, lighters, etc.

-Petroleum cotton balls are wind resistant, waterproof, lightweight, long lasting, and inexpensive

.-DRYER LINT covered with petroleum jelly will also work.

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