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Oh No! No Toilet Paper !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you going to do? No more toilet paper. You don't have any. The stores don't have any. You need it, and you need it fast. Well, I have a solution.

Prepare ahead of time for this situation, because when the SHTF, there'll be no way to clean it up.

"Get my drift and dribble?"

When you have exhausted your stockpile of toilet paper, this is what you have prepared:

Start accumulating any clothes or fabric that you used to throw away, when it became worn out, torn or stained. Make sure you have washed them first. This would include old sheets and pillow cases. These are the best fabric to use, to replace toilet paper. Next, would be old T shirts. Then, after that, any fabric from old clothes, and other things, that you think would be good to use on your body.

You can cut some of them up in pieces and get them ready ahead of time.

Note, that I had a grandmother who lived in the very early 1900s, and they lived without toilet paper. There was no toilet in the house, They had an Outhouse in the back yard. Instead of toilet paper, they used newspaper to wipe. I think in those days, the newspaper may have been printed with vegetable-based ink, but I am not sure.

Also, since public toilets were, pretty much, non-existent, and the United States was a lot more rural, when they were out walking and had to poop, they went into the woods and wiped themselves with leaves. I am not making this up, This is firsthand information from my Grandmother. However, she also knew a lot about plants and trees, could identify them, and knew which ones not to use, like poison sumac, poison ivy, poison oak, etc.

So be prepared.

When the SHTF, and when the SH your F, you'll be ready.

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