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Hydrogen Peroxide Has Many Uses

Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

*******(Those reading this article should do some research on everything in this article before attempting to do any of the procedures. Proceed at your own risk.)*******

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is composed of water and oxygen. It kills diseased microorganisms by oxidizing them. It is non-toxic for general use.

1. For Cuts and infections

Soak any infections or cuts in Hydrogen Peroxide for five to ten minutes several times a day. Even gangrene that would not heal with any medicine has been healed by soaking in Hydrogen peroxide. Put half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your bath to help rid boils, fungus or other skin infections.

2. Detoxifying Bath

Use about 2 quarts of Hydrogen peroxide to a bathtub of warm water. Soak yourself in the tub at least 1/2 hour.

3. Foot Fungus

Spray a 50/50 mixture of Hydrogen peroxide and water on the feet and toes nightly and let dry, to cure, to cure foot fungus.

4. Mite Infections

Spray it on the skin a few times (with a few minutes in between the applications).

5. Sinus Infections

Add a tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen peroxide to 1 cup of non-chlorinated water and use as a nasal spray. Adjust the amount of peroxide used for a personalized comfortable treatment.

6. Wound Care

a.) Use for cleaning wounds, removing dead tissue, and as an oral debriding agent. b.) Peroxide stops slow small vessel wound bleeding/oozing.

c.) Soak wounds for five to ten minutes several times a day. However, washing and rinsing action is sufficient. Don't leave hydrogen peroxide on open tissue for long periods of time as hydrogen peroxide causes mild damage to tissue in open wounds. Use with caution.

7. Mouthwash

Pour one hydrogen peroxide capful into the mouth. Slosh it around for a few minutes and spit out and rinse your mouth with water.

8. Toothpaste

Use baking soda and add hydrogen peroxide to make a paste.

9. Toothbrush

Soak your toothbrush in Hydrogen peroxide to keep them free of germs.

10. Tooth Ache

Hydrogen peroxide as an anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal agent, treats the pathogen that is causing the infection. It will not take the pain away, but holding a capful of it for 10 minutes several times a day will lessen the pain, until you can

get to a dentist.

11. Tooth Whitening

Use as a mouthwash daily to assist in whitening teeth.

12. Douche

Add 2 capfuls of 3% Hydrogen peroxide to warm distilled water twice a week to help heal yeast infections.

13. Hair Lightening

Dilute 3% Hydrogen peroxide with water (50 / 50) and spray the solution on wet hair and comb it through. It will give you natural highlights. It lightens gradually.

Sanitizing / Disinfectant / Cleaning

14. Dishwasher Disinfectant

Add 2 oz. of 3% Hydrogen peroxide to dishwashing formula.

15. Kitchen/Household surfaces

a.) Clean counters and table tops and bathroom surfaces with hydrogen peroxide. Put some on a cleaning cloth and wipe, or spray it directly on the counters and table tops and wipe off.

b.) Spray wooden cutting boards with hydrogen peroxide, wipe off. Then pour some vinegar on the cutting board and spread around and wipe off. It kills salmonella and other bacteria. (I personally use a stainless steel cutting board to eliminate the salmonella and other bacteria problem a wooden cutting board can have.)

c.) Spray hydrogen peroxide on the interior of the refrigerator to disinfect surfaces. d.) Use it to clean glass and mirrors.

16. Humidifiers/Steamers air cleaner

Add 1 pint 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon of water in a humidifier or steamer.

17. Washing/Laundry

Add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to lauder whites.

Food Preparation

18. Food preparation/decontamination

Combine vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to make a disinfectant to clean cooking and food preparation areas to kill Salmonella, Shigella, or E. coli bacteria on heavily contaminated food and surfaces.

19. Vegetable Soak

Add 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide to a clean dishpan of cold water. Soak vegetables 10 to 20 minutes. Or spray hydrogen peroxide directly on the individual vegetables and fruits without waiting minutes. Then rinse off and dry.

Proceed with caution. This information is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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