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Tea for Two? Think Again. There's Fluoride in it!

Cultivated tea plants including black, green, white, and oolong accumulate fluoride, a central nervous system toxin (neurotoxin) that accumulates in the body. Fluoride, supposedly, is put in toothpaste as a cavity preventive treatment. Well, let me tell you, I have been using toothpaste all my life, except for the last 2 years, and I have had the worst case of cavities since I was a child. It has been on going, all my life. My mother, on the other hand, never used toothpaste. She was raised using baking soda to brush her teeth. Now, maybe she is a special case, a unique individual, because, seriously, and I am not exaggerating, my mother never had a cavity, ever. She had all her teeth with no cavities at 90 years old. So in her case, fluoride was not necessary for her dental health.

High levels of fluoride in the body can cause dental and skeletal fluorosis, brittle and breakable teeth, osteoarthritis, thyroid disorders, endocrine problems, immune system suppression, nervous system disorders, brittle bones, hip fractures, cancer, learning disabilities resulting in lower IQ scores. It also causes the body to absorb the neurotoxin aluminum at a much higher rate.

Drinking fluoridated water depresses thyroid function which can cause health problems as depressed thyroid function resulting in memory problems, weight gain, depression, fatigue, constipation, skin problems, sexual dysfunction, concentration problems, and much more.

Fluoride in the body also causes a higher rate of the neurotoxin aluminum absorption in the body.

Decide for yourself, if you want to drink that tea, and that fluoridated water. And, oh, yeah, do you want to brush your teeth with it?

Do your own research and then decide what is best for you.

Here is a recipe for no fluoride tea.

Ginger Root Tea. Really easy to make.


I usually make ginger tea with fresh ginger root. Ginger root will stay fresh in the freezer for more than a year. Just keep it in a plastic bag in the freezer and grate some into some water (non-fluoridated water!) in a small pan and when it comes to a boil, boil it for at least 5 minutes or a little longer. Then pour it in your drinking cup and you can add some raw honey and powdered milk, and stir. All quantities of ginger, water, honey and powdered milk are up to you.

This is what ginger root looks like:


I have never made ginger tea with ground ginger, but if you are camping, or without electric, this is what you would use for ginger tea, if you can't keep your ginger root from spoiling.

Boil water in a pan. Place half a teaspoon of ground ginger (you can buy organic ground ginger too.) in a cup and pour the boiled water into the cup. Stir and wait about 10 minutes. You can add some honey and powdered milk to this too, and stir.

For ground ginger product and purchase information press HERE.

We drink our tea in our double-walled stainless steel mugs. We love these mugs and use them daily for all kinds of liquids, hot and cold. We bought them 2 years ago for a SHTF scenario because they are unbreakable and good for camping and bug-in and bug-out. They are also very easy to clean, stay cool in your hands with hot liquid, and they are going strong for us for the last two years and I am sure many more years to come. Here is a picture of them and you can get much more information about them by pressing HERE or by PRESSING THE PICTURE OF THE MUGS BELOW.


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