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Honey in the Raw!

​Raw honey is a pure, unfiltered and unpasteurized sweetener made by bees from the nectar of flowers.

It can give you more energy, help you sleep, lessen your seasonal allergy symptoms, and may even help weight-loss efforts.

Raw Honey's Many Benefits:

1. Weight Management

Switching to honey as a sweetener, instead of sugar, can assist in weight loss.

2. Control Pollen Allergies

The bee pollen in raw honey helps quell infections, relieve allergies and boost immunity.

Honey must be unpasteurized with bee pollen in it.

3. Boost Your Energy Level

Raw honey contains natural sugars (80 percent), water (18 percent), and minerals, vitamins, pollen and protein (2 percent). It provides energy in the form of liver glycogen.

Raw honey is one of the best choices of carbohydrate to consume right before exercising. Honey performs like glucose, which is the sugar used in most commercial energy gels.

4. Antioxidant

Taking raw honey daily raises levels of antioxidants in the body and boosts the immune system.

​5. Sleep Aid

Taking honey before bedtime restocks the liver’s glycogen supply and prevents the brain from triggering a crisis search for fuel, which can wake you up. Also, it helps release melatonin in the brain slightly increasing insulin levels, which stimulates the brain's release of tryptophan. Tryptophan then converts to serotonin, which is then converted to melatonin.

6. Wound and Ulcer Healer

Honey is a natural antibacterial with wound-healing effects. It reacts with the body’s fluids to make hydrogen peroxide.

For burns and wounds, honey is applied as a dressing directly to the burn or wound and is changed every 24 to 48 hours. Sometimes the dressing is left in place for up to 25 days. Sometimes a combination of honey and ghee has been used. Honey has also been studied for its use in effectively treating various types of ulcers.

7. Diabetes Aid

Eating raw honey can reduce the risk of developing diabetes and help aid medication used to treat diabetes. Raw honey and cinnamon can assist in helping blood sugar levels, improve gingivitis and acne.

A Honey and cinnamon mixture has a low glycemic index

Raw honey increases insulin and decreases hyperglycemia.

8. Natural Cough Syrup

For a cough, a half teaspoon to two teaspoons of honey at bedtime is a studied and recommended dosage for anyone over the age of one.

Raw honey is opaque.

Cooking with raw honey will destroy its beneficial properties.

Do not store raw honey near a heat source.

Add raw honey to tea and coffee after the tea and coffee has cooled down a little.

Add honey to breakfast cereals, toast, yogurt, smoothies, salad dressings. Raw honey can be used in place of sugar in recipes that don’t require heat. For every one tablespoon of sugar, replace it with two teaspoons of honey.​


Raw honey contains 22 amino acids, 27 minerals and 5,000 enzymes.

Minerals: iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and selenium.

Vitamins: B6, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin.



One tablespoon of honey equals 64 calories

Glycemic load about 10 for one tablespoon.

Raw honey does not cause a sugar spike and elevated insulin release like white sugar.

Raw honey does not need refrigeration.

Raw Honey Possible Allergies and Potential Side Effects

Honey should never be given to children under 1 year old.

If someone has immunity problems or is taking chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer, consult a doctor before consuming raw honey.

If someone is allergic or sensitive to celery, pollen or has other bee-related allergies, they should not consume raw honey. Honey made from plants in the Rhododendron genus can also cause allergic reactions due to toxicity. Honey should be used in moderation. Mild honey intoxication side effects can include weakness, dizziness, vomiting, sweating and nausea.

When heated at high temperatures, honey has been shown to produce hydroxymethyl furfuraldehyde (HMF). HMF can cause deleterious effects and is considered carcinogenic.

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