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Not Playing With A Full Deck, But Surviving With One!

Guaranteed you have never heard of this one on a survival website: A deck of cards can be your best friend, meaning, it can save your life, when you are lost or in an emergency situation which involves having someone find you. You may be in a wooded environment where you need assistance, and you need to be found, but you also need to keep moving. You many have to keep moving to find water or shelter or to get away from an animal stalking you, but you want to leave markers on the route you are traveling so someone can find you. One unique solution to this predicament is to leave playing cards along your route. We found some unique playing cards that are waterproof and metallic. Along with the playing cards, you would need something to attach the cards to trees or branches. You could use paperclips or string by making a hole in a card with a knife or small

awl or nail. If you need some force to make the hole, you can use a hammer, if you have one with you, or you can use a stone to hit the knife, awl, or nail to drive a hole into the playing cards. Then run the paperclip or string through the hole you made in the playing card. Now you are ready to attach the playing card to a tree branch with the string or the paperclip. The significance of using playing cards is that you can easily show the direction of your route by the orderly sequence of numbers of the same suit (hearts, diamonds, spades, or clubs) from 1 (ace) through 10, and then Jack, Queen, King. Then you can continue with another suit in the same way. You have 52 cards in a deck of cards to use. That is a lot of markers to assist someone to find you. And, you can easily carry a deck of cards with you because they are small and light-weight. We found the perfect deck. It is waterproof and the metallic surface is easy to see. We would recommend, if possible, that you attach them to a branch so that they can hang and move around in the wind to be more noticeable.


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