Hard Candy is a great item to put in your bug out bag, especially if you need quick energy, are on the move, and not able to prepare a meal for whatever reason. Whatever space you have left in your bag, you can add some hard candies to numerous other things you have packed. Just remember to put some in very small plastic bags so if for some reason they melt a little or the outside of the wrapper becomes sticky, they won't ruin your other supplies. In non-bug out situations, I have carried Werther's Caramel Hard Candies in my daily backpack for a number of years in a small plastic bag, and they have held up without melting, and taste just fine. I store a few bags of these in my freezer, and they last years. This is a really good emergency item for quick energy. They are not super sweet like lifesavers. Note that the bag they are sold in, like the one in the above picture, tears very easily, so they need to be packed in plastic bags when traveling or placing in your bug out bag, carrying bag or in any other type of container.